Marking an Account "Do Not Contact"

Why Mark an Account as "Do Not Contact"?

The person associated with an account may ask you not to call this number for marketing purposes, or for any number of reasons.

Click here for more information on Accounts.

How to Mark an Account as "Do Not Contact"

To mark an account as "do not contact", first go to your "Account List" under the "Accounts" tab in the Main Menu.

For Desktop

From there, open the account you wish to change and select the "Details" tab. To the right of the client's phone number you will see a texting icon and a circle with a line through it. These can be toggled on or off.

Below you can see the texting icon is turned on in blue, and the "do not call" icon is turned off in red. This indicates that yes, you may text this number but please do not call. You can come back and change this at any time. When finished, please remember to click "Save" in the upper left to save your changes.

Also, if you wish to turn off Marketing by mail, you may do so by clicking the circle with the line through it besides "Billing". This button will turn red, indicating do not mail.

For Mobile

Click on "Accounts" from the Home Page to see a list of your accounts.

From there, open the account you wish to change and select the pencil icon in the upper right corner to edit. To the right of the client's phone number you will see a texting icon. This can be toggled on or off. We do not have the option to change the calling status from mobile at this time.

Below you can see the texting icon is turned on in blue. This indicates that yes, you may text this number. You can come back and change this at any time. When finished, please remember to click the checkmark in the upper right corner to Save your changes.