Creating And Using Leads

What Is A Lead?

Within ServiceMonster, a "Lead" is a way of tracking a potential new customer. Please take advantage of our web forms to collect client information through your business’s own website. You can then accept or decline leads, and keep track of your conversations with them as you go through the estimate process and gradually build your relationship with them.

This is different from a "Lead Source", which is how a client found out about your business or why they keep coming back.

Click here to learn more about Lead Sources.

Click on a link to hop to a specific section on this page:

Where Can I View My Leads?

How Do I Create A New Lead?

How Do I Track Leads?

How Do I Complete A Lead?

How Do I Merge A Lead?

Where Can I View My Leads?

From "Leads" in the Main Menu, select the "Lead List" icon.

Here you can see your list of leads. You can filter to view “All Leads”, “New Leads”, “Open Leads”, "In-Progress Leads", “Accepted Leads”, “Declined Leads”, or “Completed Leads”.

How Do I Create A New Lead?

A new lead can be created automatically through webforms that you add to your businesses’ website, or they can be created by yourself from scratch.


A WebForm is a form you can add to your website to collect clients’ information 24/7 and enter that into ServiceMonster. You can also offer a calendar to allow your clients to schedule their own appointments. 

Click here to learn about setting up ServiceMonster WebForms. 

From Scratch

To make a new lead from scratch, click on the “+ Lead” button on the Leads List page.

This opens a window where you can add in the information for the lead:

Lead Source: How this possible client found out about your business, or why they are coming to you. Click here to learn more about lead sources. 

First Name (Required for Residential): The first name of the client associated with this lead. 

Last Name (Required for Residential): The last name of the client associated with this lead. 

Company (Required for Commercial): The company name of the client associated with this lead (Not required for residential lead). 

Email: The email address for the contact associated with this lead. 

Primary Phone: The main phone number for the contact associated with this lead. 

Alt Phone: The alternative phone number for the contact associated with this lead. 

Commercial: If this is a commercial client, check this box. If this is a residential client, leave this box unchecked. 

Site: Here you can enter in the primary address for this client or the site address for the location you will be doing work at.

Click “Save” to create the lead. 

How Do I Track Leads?

If a lead comes in through the webform it will appear on the “New Leads” or “Open Leads” list. If you create the lead yourself it will appear on the “New Leads” list.

You can click on the lead number to open the Lead Sheet.

Here you can see the lead’s information under the "Details" tab. Create a new order for the lead by clicking on the “Create New” drop-down menu.

As you communicate with your lead, you can track those conversations through the “Activity” tab. Activities are a great way to record notes from conversations and keep track of notes, calls, mail, or tasks for a specific account or lead.

Finally, decline or approve the lead by clicking on the “Decline” or “Create Opportunity” buttons.

Once approved, the Opportunity Page will open where you can fill in more information, edit, add new activities, or create a new order for the Opportunity (Lead).

Click "Save" when you are finished.

How Do I Complete A Lead?

A lead will automatically change to being "Completed" once an Order that is linked to that lead is converted to an Invoice.

How Do I Merge A Lead?

From "Leads" in the Main Menu, select the "Lead List" icon.

Select the lead in question that you would like to merge, and the Lead Sheet will open.

The Lead Sheet will find and prompt you to replace any duplicate Lead Account with the original Existing Account.

Read the prompt carefully before continuing.

Select the “Replace Account” button if all the information looks correct.

The two lead accounts are now merged!

Note: If you are not automatically prompted and you know the account is a duplicate, go to the "Replace" tab and select the magnifying glass.

A new window will open where you can search for the Existing Account, select it, then click "OK".

Finally, select the “Replace Account” button if all the information looks correct.

The two lead accounts are now merged!