FillMySchedule (FMS) is an automated in-house direct-mail client retention program. It is only offered to ServiceMonster subscribers and can be managed within the software. Users enjoy the power and simplicity of an easy approval process, ROI tracking, and customizable cards that ensure your message and branding is always on point.
From the Main Menu, select the "FMS" tab.
From this page you're presented with some information about our FMS program.
Here you can read about our customized, direct-mail client retention program and why it's so valuable.
Here you can learn more about client retention and how ServiceMonster uses repeat rate to track your retention.
Here you can read about the key analytics and KPI's that are automatically tracked when you sign up.
Here you can read about our pricing and what is offered with each plan.
Here you can view our selection of card designs and learn more about uploading your own custom designs.
Here you can read reviews from some of our users who use the FMS program.
To sign up, please select the blue "Sign Up" button, and click here for more information about how to sign up for FillMySchedule.