Release Notes v6.8.0

Release Notes for: 6.8.0
Released on: 5/28/24


  • Recurring appointments tab on an Account now shows start date column
  • Accounting, Agent, and Agent Limited roles can now view audit trail
  • Accounting, Agent, and Agent Limited roles can no longer view the “General,” “Arrival Windows,” or “Colors” tabs in the Schedule Settings
  • Added “Amount” column to Contracts tab when viewing an Account
  • Tax rates now allow up to 4 decimal points


  • Creating a new “Advanced Marketing Campaign” will no longer throw an error when saving
  • Email, User Name fields on a brand new employee page no longer try to auto-fill with info from account that’s logged in
  • Users can no longer deactivate last remaining active route
  • Removed “Z” (zulu) formatting from time stamp on Account Overview page
  • Fixed an issue where Arrival Window settings were not being saved correctly for some users
  • Fixed an issue where the “unsaved changes” prompt was incorrectly showing when navigating to the Account Profile tab
  • Generating Billing Statements by date range UI updated to be more clear what date range is being viewed
  • Fixed alignment issues for images when viewing email template preview\
  • Service Item grid list page selector will now allow user to navigate to 2nd page if needed
  • SendJim button on the Account page properly opens if integration is turned on
  • SendJim integration now properly sends Address 2 info from SM → SendJim
  • Quick Add schedule page now properly shows the week users were currently viewing (rather than defaulting to the current week) if adding an appointment directly from the schedule
  • SMS activities from the mobile app now properly show template name and resolved merge fields when viewing the saved activity

Adam W.
Product Manager
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