Order Reports

What Are Reports?

The reports section on ServiceMonster offers various reports for you to learn more about how your business is doing. These reports are categorized by type, this page covers the Order reports, or reports based around orders you have in the system.

Click here to view more about Reports.

Click on a link to hop to a specific section on this page:

Appt Order Totals by Appt Date

Invoices by Sales Rep

Invoice Labor Report

Order Approval Status

Order Appt Hours

Order Progress

Orders by Line Item (Summary)

Orders By Sales Rep

Orders Created By User

Voided Orders

Order Reports Location

Click on the "Reports" tab in the Main Menu, and find the Order Reports under the section "Orders".

Appt Order Totals By Appt Date

This report shows all orders scheduled within the date range specified.


From Date: Beginning date for the report which is based on the appointment date.

To Date: Ending date for the report which is based on the appointment date.

Appt Type: Allows the user to filter the report based on the appointment type(s)


Appt Type: The appointment type from the scheduled appointment.

Order Type: The Order type of the scheduled order.

Count:   The total number of orders based on the Order Type in the specified date range.   User can drill down into the Count to see a sub report that shows the Order Type, Order Number, Account, Order Subtotal and Order Grand Total.  The user can then click on the Order Number to open the Order Details or click on the Account Name to open the Account Overview page.

SubTotal: The Subtotal of all the orders for the appointment type in the specified date range.

Grand Total: The Grand Total of all the orders for the appointment type in the specified date range.

Invoices By Sales Rep

This report shows all invoices completed within the date range specified with the Sales Rep assigned to the order.


From Date: Beginning date for the report which is based on the Invoice Completed date.

To Date: Ending date for the report which is based on the Invoice Completed date.

Filter by Sales Rep:  Allows the user to filter the report based on the Sales Rep assigned to the Invoice

Invoice Paid in Full:  Allows the user to filter the report based on whether the invoice is paid in full or not.

Account Category: Allows the user to filter the report based on the customer account being marked as Residential or Commercial.


Inv Date: Invoice Completed Date from the Order Details

Order No: The linked invoice number that can be clicked on to view the Invoice Details.

Account Name: Customer’s account name

Site Address: Address Line 1 from the Invoice Service Location

Zip:  Zip Code from the Invoice Service Location

Lead Source: Lead Source assigned to the Invoice

Group:  The value from the Group field from the Order Details

Sub Group: The value from the Sub Group field from the Order Details

Pre-Tax Total: The Invoice Subtotal

Balance: Balance Due on the Invoice

Category: Residential or Commercial based on Commercial flag on Customer Account Details

Invoice Labor Report

This report shows all invoices completed within the date range specified, the number of appointments, technicians assigned and time logs, total hours and average hourly rate. To see additional detail, you can click on the order number to open the order and then open the appointments to seethe time log detail.


From Date: Beginning date for the report which is based on the Invoice Completed date.

To Date: Ending date for the report which is based on the Invoice Completed date.

Account Category: Allows the user to filter the report based on the customer account being marked as Residential or Commercial.


Invoice Date: Invoice Completed Date from the Order Details

Invoice Number: The linked invoice number that can be clicked on to view the Invoice Details.

Account Name: The linked customer’s account name that can be clicked on to view the customer’s account information

Invoice Group: The value from the Group field from the Order Details

Sub Total: The Order Subtotal

Appts: Number of appointments scheduled on the order, excluding Cancelled and Unscheduled.

Techs Assigned: Number of technicians assigned to the appointments

Tech Logs: Number of Technician Time logs created on the appointments

Total Hours: If the Technician Time Logs count is greater than 0, the system calculates the total hours based on the Technician Time Logs.  If there are no Technician Time Logs, the report calculates the total hours based on the Actual Start and End Times of the appointment.

Avg Hourly Rate: Calculated based on the Invoice Sub Total divided by the calculated Total Hours.

Category: Residential or Commercial based on Commercial flag on Customer Account Details

Order Approval Status

This report allows a user to check the status of orders sent for approval within the date range specified by Sales Rep as well as Approval Status.


From Date: Beginning date for the report which is based on the date the email was sent with the approval link included

To Date: Ending date for the report which is based on the date the email was sent with the approval link included

Sales Rep: Allows user to filter based on the Sales Rep assigned to the Order

Approval Status: Allows user to filter based on where the order is in the approval process.


Date Sent: The date the email was sent with the approval link included

Exp Date: The date the approval link is set to expire.  This is based on the settings in the Order Approval configuration settings in the Marketplace.

Order No: The linked order number that can be clicked on to view the Order Details.

Pre-Tax Total: The Order Subtotal

Account:  The linked customer’s account name that can be clicked on to view the customer’s account information

Status:  The current status of the approval request

Response Date: The date the customer responded to the approval link

Decline Reason: Any note customer included when declining an approval request

Order Appt Hours

This report allows a user to see by order number how many appointments were scheduled for the order, the number of technicians, the estimated hours from the schedule, the actual hours and the difference between the estimated hours and actual hours.


From Date: Beginning date for the report which is based on the Scheduled Start Date of the appointment

To Date: Ending date for the report which is based on the Scheduled End Date of the appointment

Order Type: Allows the user to filter the report based on the current order type

Appt Type: Allows the user to filter the report based on the appointment type(s)

Show Jobs with 0Techs:  Allows the user to filter the report based on whether there are technicians assigned to the appointment


Order Number: The Order Number

Order Type: The Order Type

Sub Total: The Order Subtotal

Appointments: Number of appointments scheduled within the date range specified

Techs: Number of technicians assigned to the appointments scheduled within the date range specified

Tech Logs: Number of Technician Time logs created on the appointments

Total Est Hours: The estimated hours of appointment from schedule multiplied by the number of technicians assigned to the appointment

Total Act Hours: The actual hours of the appointment using either the Technician Time Logs from ServiceMonster 6 or, the Extended tab under the appointment in ServiceMonster 5.  (As a side note, if the Actual Start and End Times are updated using the Extended Tab in ServiceMonster 5, the Actual Hours are multiplied by the number of technicians assigned to the appointment).

Hours Diff: Shows the amount difference between the estimated hours and the actual hours

Hours Diff %: Shows the percentage difference between the estimated hours and the actual hours

Order Progress

Allows the user to see the status of their orders within the date range specified.  


From Date: Beginning date for the report which is based on the order Created Date for Estimates, Work Orders and Voided Orders and the Completed Date for Invoices

To Date: Ending date for the report which is based on the order Created Date for Estimates, Work Orders and Voided Orders and the Completed Date for Invoices

Order Type: The Order Type

Posted: Filter based on whether the Invoice was exported to Quick books

Account Category: Allows the user to filter the report based on the customer account being marked as Residential or Commercial.


Date:  Order Date Created if Estimate, Work Order or Voided or Invoice Date Completed if Invoice

Account:  The linked customer’s account name that can be clicked on to view the customer’s account information

Order No: The linked order number that can be clicked on to view the Order Details.

Ref No.: Reference field from the Order Details

Lead Source: Leads Source assigned to the Order

Posted:  True= Invoice exported to Quickbooks; False = Invoice not exported to Quickbooks

Balance Due: The Balance Due on the order

Sub Total: The Order Subtotal

Tax:  The amount of sales tax on the order

Tip:  The amount of tip added to the order

Grand Total: The Order Grand Total

Category: The Account Category whether Residential or Commercial

Orders By Line Item (Summary)

This report allows a user to see a summary of line items on orders by Item Group, Item and Order Type and provides the ability to drill down to a subreport to see the order detail for the specific item or the specific item/order type.


From Date: Beginning date for the report which is based on the order Created Date for Estimates, Work Orders and Voided Orders and the Completed Date for Invoices

To Date: Ending date for the report which is based on the order Created Date for Estimates, Work Orders and Voided Orders and the Completed Date for Invoices

Account Category: Allows the user to filter the report based on the customer account being marked as Residential or Commercial.

Item Group: Filter based on the Group assigned to each Product or Service

Order Type: The Order Type


**Total Orders: The linked number of orders that can be clicked on to view the subreport that contains additional information on the orders with the specific line item

Total Qty: The total quantity for all the specific line items on the orders

Item SubTotal: The Subtotal for all the specific line items on the orders

Item Discount: The Discount Total for all the specific line items on the orders

Item Total: The Total amount for all the specific line items on the orders

**Subreport: Orders With Specific Line Item Detail

When clicking on the "Total Orders" link, a sub report opens that provides details on the orders with the line item broken down by order type.


Order No: The linked order number that can be clicked on to view the Order Details.

Date Created: The date the order was created

Account:  Thelinked customer’s account name that can be clicked on to view the customer’s account information

Site Address: Address 1 and Address 2 lines from the Order Service Location

City:  SiteCity from the Order Service Location

State:  SiteState from the Order Service Location

Zip:  SiteZip code from the Order Service Location

Phone:  PhoneField 1 from the Customer’s account

Email:  Emailaddress from the Customer’s account

Sales Rep: The name of the Sales Rep assigned to the Order

Line Qty: The quantity for the specific line item on the order

Line Total: The total for the specific line item on the order

Order SubTotal: The Subtotal from the entire Order

Orders By Sales Rep

This report allows a user to see all orders assigned to the Sales Rep.


From Date: Beginning date for the report which is based on the Order Created Date for all order types

To Date: Ending date for the report which is based on the Order Created Date for all order types

Filter by SalesRep:  Allows the user to filter the report based on the Sales Rep assigned to the Order

Include:  The Order Type

Account Category: Allows the user to filter the report based on the customer account being marked as Residential or Commercial.


Date:  Order Created Date

Type: Current Order Type

Order No.: The linked order number that can be clicked on to view the Order Details.

Account: Account Name from Customer’s account

Site Address: Address 1 from the Order Service Location

Zip:  Site Zip code from the Order Service Location

Lead Source: Leads Source assigned to the Order

Group:  Group assigned to the Order

Sub Group: Sub Group assigned to the Order

Pre-Tax Total: Order Subtotal

Category: The Account Category whether Residential or Commercial

Orders Created By User

This report allows a user to see all the orders that were created within the date range specified grouped by the user who created the Order.


From Date: Beginning date for the report which is based on the Order Created Date for all order types

To Date: Ending date for the report which is based on the Order Created Date for all order types

Filter by SalesRep:  Allows the user to filter the report based on the User who created the Order

Order Type: The Order Type


Order Date: The order Created Date for Estimates, Work Orders and Voided Orders and the Completed Date for Invoices

Account:  The linked customer’s account name that can be clicked on to view the customer’s account information

Type:  The current Order Type

Order No: The linked order number that can be clicked on to view the Order Details.

Ref No.: Reference field from the Order Details

Created On: The Order Created Date

Total:  The Order Grand Total

Voided Orders


From Date: Beginning date for the report which is based on the Order Created Date

To Date: Ending date for the report which is based on the Order Created Date


Date:  Date Order Created

Account:  The linked customer’s account name that can be clicked on to view the customer’s account information

Primary Phone: The first available phone number on the customer’s account from Phone 1, Phone 2 or Phone 3 field.

Order No: The linked order number that can be clicked on to view the Order Details.

Order Note: The information contained in the Note/Memo field on the Order

Order Total: The Order Grand Total