History & Invoices For FillMySchedule (FMS) 2.0

Can I View My FMS History & Invoices?

Yes, you can view your FMS history and invoices right within our system, and doing so can offer some valuable insight to your growth in relation to your use of our FillMySchedule direct-mail client retention program.

Click here for detailed instruction on customizing your FMS cards.

FillMySchedule Order History

From the Main Menu, select the "FMS" tab, then select the "FMS Orders" icon.

Here you have three tabs for viewing your pending orders, in-progress orders, and order history. Select the "History" tab.

Your order history list shows the name, run date, ship date, price, number of accounts reached, total cost, status, and approval information organized by columns. These columns are customizable if you wish to rearrange the order.

To do so, hover over the column header, then drag and drop the column in it's new location.

To return the grid back to it's original default settings, select the circular button in the upper right and "Restore Defaults".

To filter the list, you can use the drop-down menu to select a filter, or use the search box to filter by keywords.

To view the history details for a specific order, select the order name from the list.

In the window that pops up you can view all the details for the order and all the details of the accounts reached. You can also download the list of accounts with the download button in the bottom left.

FMS Cards Sent

Select the "FMS Cards Sent" icon to view a full list of your history of cards sent.

You can filter this list from the drop-down selection, or by typing in the search box for keywords.

FMS Jobs

Select the "FMS Jobs" icon to view your history of all orders created with an FMS campaign as the Lead Source.

You can filter this list from the drop-down selection, or by typing in the search box for keywords.

FillMySchedule Invoices

Select the "FMS Billing" icon to view your FMS Approval History and Billing History.

Open up the Approval History to view all your approved campaign orders, the date of approval, and who approved each order.

Open up the Billing History to view all your past orders and their associated costs.